Transforaminal Epidural Injection

Where is the transforaminal epidural space?
There is a fluid-filled sac that covers the spine cord called the dura. The space that surrounds the dura is called the epidural space, and it is filled with fat and small blood vessels. The foraminae are small openings between your vertebrae through which the nerve roots exit the spinal canal and enter the body.

What is a transforaminal epidural steroid injection?
An epidural steroid injection is a common type of injection that is given to provide relief from certain types of low back and neck pain. The transforaminal approach is a very selective diagnostic injection around a specific nerve root. By injecting medication around a specific nerve root, the doctor can determine if this is causing your problem. An anti-inflammatory steroid medication and local anesthetic is injected into the space. The steroid agent shrinks swelling around the nerve roots and the local anesthetic numbs the inflamed areas and relaxes the muscles around the space. To ensure proper placement of the medication, the procedure will be performed under x-ray.